
Why should you use multiple Facebook Pixels?

Running your facebook ads without installing the pixel is like launching a thousand dollars ad into a black hole and praying for the best. You just can’t track your results. 

 The Facebook Pixel is crucial to getting the most out of your online advertising and it simply can answer all of your questions when it comes to selling online, track standard events and custom conversion events. While custom conversions events make use of URL rules built on specific URLS or URL keywords and tracking to evaluate views of a particular category of products on your website. Standard events will answer these questions:

  • Are customers interested in my products? (product search)
  • Did they look through my catalog/page? (pageview, lead) 
  • Did they fill out a form? (payment info, initiate checkout)
  • Did they add something to their carts? (add to cart/wishlist)
  • Did they buy? (complete registration/purchase)

You can also add more details to standard events using extra bits of code called parameters: how much a conversion event is worth, currency, content type, or ID etc.

How does the Facebook Pixel help with advertising?

  • Track conversions
  • You will know how people interact with your website after viewing your Facebook ads (subscribe or save your page, etc.). Furthermore, you can also track consumers through their devices. If people tend to see your ads on mobile but switch to a desktop before making a purchase or vice-versa, you can implement a strategy based on that (hybrid facebook ad strategy) to increase your return on investment (ROI). Eugene Schwartz laid out the Five Levels of Awareness and it has been used to identify mobile/desktop users, read more here 

  • Build/Remarket Custom Audiences
  • You can retarget and build audiences centered on people that have visited your site. The Facebook Pixel “fires” and tracks whenever someone arrives at your website, regardless of any sources from, like through Facebook or Google. Be as specific as needed, target a particular ad with people who visited particular pages on your site.

  • Create Lookalike Audiences
  • Lookalike audiences benefit you to increase your probable customer base because they share similar demographics, preferences or interests to your existing customers. As Facebook collects data on who buys from your site and how much they spend, it can optimize your ad audience based on value, show your ads to the people who are most likely to make high-value purchases (“big-spenders”).

  • Run effective Facebook ads
  • Facebook knows whom to display your ad to. If you’re running an ad campaign which is going to display to 1 million people, Facebook attempts to locate the people in that 1 million who are most likely to convert/take the action you need them to take. Without the pixel, Facebook has a minimum idea on who to serve that ad to, however, with the pixel, it can understand what kind of person is converting best and will serve your ad to more people like that.

    Why do you need to use multiple Facebook Pixels?

    1. You need multiple Facebook Pixels if you have websites with very different audiences based on different types of products you are selling. Because with the dropshipping model, sellers always need to create and implement new niches so target customers vary. From there, you can easily come up with different campaigns based on customer segments. For example, you sell pet supplies, you need 2 or more separate pixels to manage and ensure relevant ads are shown to relevant customers, in this case displaying dog foods to dog owners or cat food to only cat owners.
    2. Additionally, if your pixel has any problems (like Facebook blocks your ad account or you lose your data), it is essential to have a backup pixel to use in that case. Let’s say, you install a pixel on your web and it has an issue, your campaign will be stopped. In order to avoid this, installing multiple pixels so you can switch and use another pixel for your campaign.
    3. Installing multiple pixels will neither slow your store down nor affect your buyers’ purchase behaviors. Because everything has been built from the ground up to use minimal resources and the code will be installed in the store themes so everything is fastly loaded.
    4. If you might want to sell your business in the future, your buyers will probably take control of the account related to the business itself, but you might still have access to the pixel data for a while if a second pixel is in place.  
    5. Shopify only allows sellers to use 1 pixel but with the help of partner’ apps, sellers can use multiple pixels to track their target customers and see if their ads are running effectively or not based on the segments. 

    Normally people use Facebook pixel on Shopify as it is but it has a lot of attribution errors and you might be unable to get the audience that is optimized for your ad or product. If you are a Shopify seller and want to use multiple pixels and avoid attribution error, you can consider using this app 
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